Saturday, August 27, 2011

Five-minute Dreams

I had a strange morning. I hit snooze about fifteen times, like I do every morning nowadays, but in between each snooze alarm, I had a distinct dream. Sometimes they were connected, but it was especially odd because there's only five minutes between each alarm. So apparently, each dream was less than five minutes. I don't remember the order, but I dreamed:

1. Ray and my mom had a haunted house, which we weren't very scared by because we helped set it up. We were in another part of the house, where everyone was cooking, but I couldn't concentrate on this book I was reading, so I went INTO the haunted house and just hid in a corner while tours went on. That's all I really remember, except there were dancing skeletons. Which was fun.

2. We had found an antique table with stained glass inlays, which I thought looked pretty run-of-the-mill, but which others around me were so impressed by that they decided the table couldn't have been made by human hands. So we set off to Mongolia to an Alien Artifact Convention to have our table appraised.

3. Sarah Jagger was visiting, and becoming besties with Jacob and I's two-year-old daughter, who had the ability to open any door, no matter what.

4. Sarah Jagger was visiting, and we went outside and saw the Taits. Heather was holding an older Kaitlynn (about a year and a half) on her hip, but when Kaitlynn saw me, she grinned and wiggled to get down and then ran toward me to be hugged. (I hope that dream comes was so sweet! And I think my brain did a pretty accurate job of aging Kaitlynn.)

And I know there were others. But I can't remember them.