Thursday, October 30, 2008

Imagine yourself in the dog's shoes

A horse is chasing me through the rooms of a mansion. I keep trying to go into smaller rooms where he might not be able to get in or hide so he'll lose me, but it doesn't work. I go into one room where a window is partly open. I slide through and catch hold of something (part of the house?, a tree? i don't know) and then let myself drop the one or two feet to the ground. Except instead of just the ground, a bunch of people are at a banquet table so I fall into an empty seat. I think the horse is about to jump through the window when my dream ends.


Liz said...

Whoa. Look up "horse" and "house" on the dream dictionary (link on this blog). Some pretty dominant dream symbols, but according to their common representations, I'm not sure what to make of your dream...

A said...

Wow. What in the world?? I don't know what to make of it either. But maybe I should mention that the photo I used--I saw it on TV before going to bed that night. That might have something to do with it.