Monday, September 24, 2012

The Game

(Note: Often I record these dreams right after I wake up, so the language and grammar is sort of in "dream-speak"...this sort of disjointed, stream-of-consciousness way of writing. Which, given the context, makes sense.)

Anyway, had this dream a month or two ago.

There was a mystery game in hidden passages in BYU-Idaho, just waiting for people to come play. Parts were tacky, parts were awesome. Filled with animatronics. You would finish one task, then exit that area and come out somewhere else. Those doors were like wormholes--you never knew where you'd end up next. Jacob and I and a bunch of theatre kids were playing (Brant W, Jordan Tait, Kelly).

You had to ride those arcade horses like in front of grocery stores. There was a bathroom with a witch's head that came out of the wall and made a prediction, and a clue to the next part of the game. In between areas, Jacob's dad was there to guide us.

The last area was set in New York...Jordan and I were told to go to this window to buy a prostitute. Behind the window was a steep room full of animatronics in chairs. The woman behind the window would hand you a piece of trash that you were supposed to take into an office.

I worried about Jordan but before anything could happen, an animatronic said "Police!" and we had to get out. I ran through a few rooms before finding a window to unlock and escape from.

Hats were a big part of the game somehow, and there was a $30 charge for them. Porters was attached to the game somehow. I remember being amazed that this entire world existed hidden in BYU-I and so few people knew. It looked like it had been there since the 1970's.

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