Sunday, September 7, 2008

For the love of Jennifer Garner

I had this dream a while ago, but I thought I would share.
The beginning is a little difficult to remember, but there were a bunch of us in this huge old farmhouse that had secret passageways and stairways that led to nowhere and hidden lofts and stuff. It was pretty cool. I seem to remember that it belonged to Cindy Wadsworth, and that she was having a bunch of people over for something (like she does). I think that there were puppies around somewhere. Then there was this event outside, and this man had a beautiful white horse that I wanted to ride. He said that he had to put another horse away first (one that I could only see from the front) and then when he turned to horse around to take it away, I noticed that the front half of the horse was normal, but that the back half of this brown horse was the front half of a white llama. Kind of like a Push Me Pull You from Dr. Doolittle. It was very strange.

Then there was this contest going on between (I think) Annie, Liz and I about who would be the first to be able to win Jennifer Garner's love. Annie and Liz couldn't and so it was my turn, but for some reason Dad and Mary wouldn't let me leave the house. During this time I got some sort of message from Mom (it was like a poem, but I don't remember if it was on the phone or written) and I had a strong feeling that Oma had died. I didn't know if it was true or not so I kept crying off and on. It was especially vivid because I remembered (in my dream) that I had had another dream where Oma was sick and in the hospital, so this made sense to me. But I wasn't really sure. I finally got out of the house to find Jennifer Garner and there was someone with me (I think it was Annie, but I can't be sure) and we found her just about to leave in a car with some guy. She walked around the car to throw something away in the trash can on the sidewalk when I stopped her. She was a lot shorter than she is in real life (I assume) and she was wearing khaki knee shorts and a light pink button-up top. She had on sunglasses and her hair was straight and loose and long. I said, "Um, Jennifer?" to get her attention and she turned to me and said, "yes?" Very shyly, I said, "I was wondering, if there was ever the possibility of someday being with me." She looked right into my eyes and said, very seriously, "I would eagerly await that day." I grinned and then asked if I could have a small kiss, and she said yes, and so she gave me the smallest, sweetest, softest little kiss on the mouth and then she drove away. I walked home really happy, but the person who was with me (was it Annie?) was a little miffed that she hadn't won the contest. Then I woke up.


Nelli said...

Oh Beckah this is fabulou, Jennifer is such a sweetie isnt she :)

Annie McNeil said...

Beckah this is clearly a lie. If Jennifer was to have lesbian love for anyone, it would OBVIOUSLY be ME.