Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Effects of a Time Warp on a Fatigued Brain

I call my room in Oregon "the Time Warp" because when I pull my blinds down it gets pitch black. And my bed it the most comfortable thing in the world. And I find that when I sleep in a time warp I have really weird dreams. For instance, a couple of nights ago I woke up multiple times and my body was really tense. I was dreaming about escaping from the mob. Of course there were multiple levels to the adventures I undertook, but I will not go into detail. Last night  dreamt that I was working at the Playmill. Roger had lost a lot of weight to the point where he was scrawny. He actually resembled my ex that I had seen yesterday. The cast and i were sitting onstage and I was leaning against a friend from high school named Marty. The first time I met Beckah I thought if Beckah was gothic she would highly reminded me of Marty. Roger was doing some sort of stand up comedy and kept looking back at the cast. When ever we made eye contact he would smile as if he were saying "I'm so glad I cast you". (...oh man, if only, right?) Later that night i had a totally separate dream were I was married to a woman. It was an arranged marriage and I think it was even sanctioned by the church. I guess the world was in a difficult spot because we lived with another couple (this a heterosexual one) and we shared my bed at home (it the Time Warp Room). The last thing I remember is dreaming that i had woken up and realized that I had missed my friend's homecoming. Then I really woke up and realized it was Saturday. So all in all, thanks to the Time Warp and the lack of using my alarm clock, I had quite the adventure in the past week.

1 comment:

Annie McNeil said...

Weird Roger/Ex resemblance!!! And I love dreams where people you respect think you're awesome. :) Go you.

Also, I think you are missing the beds of love. I know I am. :(