Sunday, August 17, 2008

A zebra, a shopping cart, Walgreens, and melons

So I'm in a cage in the middle of this desert which looks like something straight out of an old crappy Hanna-Barbera cartoon. It's a strange situation because (aside from the obvious) the cage both imprisons and protects me. In other words, my captors are always trying to infiltrate my cage (which apparently effectively doubles as a mosquito net) with mosquitos, which look like ordinary mosquitos but here in Badly-Drawn-Wilderness Land are terrifying in their ability to breed and infest and consume everything in their path. Like, they are VERY scary. 

Anyway, one day a nice talking Zebra joins me in my cage. He's not exactly a cartoon, but his proportions are a little more stylized and his colors brighter than a real zebra's would be. We become good friends, and then a few days later my captors throw some melons in the cage. Yum! Well, the Zebra starts to warn me but I chop one open before he can stop me and out buzzes A MOSQUITO! I totally panic, in that awful internal frozen sort of way, but the Zebra says he thinks those kind of melons only carry one mosquito anyway, and not even these Killer Mosquitos can breed asexually. I fly into a rage and, powered by the strength of my own awesome wrath I am able to escape.

Next scene I'm in Rexburg, the landscape of which is also sort of exaggerated and surreal without quite being cartoony. Anyway, I'm about six months pregnant but in rocking shape otherwise, and I'm pushing a shopping cart out of the parking lot of a grocery store which has inexplicably sprung up across the intersection from Walgreens. The slope of that street is crazy-steep in this dream, and the traffic is insane. When I finally make it across the intersection and into the Walgreens I discover the building is now basically just a fantastic Escheresque labyrinth of hallways and revolving doors and stairs and windchambers, all with that very clean, clinical Walgreens ambience. 

I've lost the shopping cart by now (even though earlier it was this Big Huge Mission of mine to steal it) and am sneaking around with awesome pregnant prowess through this nonsensical building, when the thing I've been dreading the entire dream happens... THEY find me! No, I have no idea who THEY are. But there is machine-gun fire and shouting and a swarm of people in black SWAT team type gear and the clashing of steel on steel, and suddenly my unborn child is born and about five years old and standing in the line of fire, crying, so I grab her and charge through the chaos and escape with a big gash on my belly, and somehow the five-year-old version of the child disappears, but that's fine... it's almost as if she appeared in her future form in order to give me the motivation and the adrenaline to save myself, and, by extension, her unborn, present self.

My only reaction to my injury is "Sweet! Finally I get to be a hero with a cool, gory injury. I totally rock." And with that, I drag myself off to our Greenbriar apartment where I know Sarah Jagger (former roommate and nursey-type) will tend to me.


Liz said...

Girl, you have some CRAZY dreams. I can just picture your "pregnant prowess." =)

Nelli said...

wow that was so intense, i think it could make a really horrible b movie, maybe a c movie... :)

Annie McNeil said...

... Or a Q movie...

Yeah, I didn't realize my dreams were so nutty until recently.