Saturday, August 23, 2008

Stop and Go

These dreams all happened a couple of nights ago, in the same night, as I kept waking up and falling asleep.

I was with Mary, Dad and Melissa in some sort of parking garage or underground hideout or something. Then someone fainted and I was supposed to drive them to the hospital, but the only car that we had was a stick shift, and since I don't know how to drive stick, I couldn't get the car to start, and so I was just rolling around in neutral. I think that Nelli was around there somewhere, and that the person who fainted was a young man, someone that I'm supposed to know, but I couldn't remember who it was.

The next dream mostly took place at a gas station, where there was lots of cheap crap for sale and there seemed to be a lot of people there. I was in the U.S.S Dorcas, and I was trying to figure out how to stuff my wallet, my CD players, and my CD case into the glove compartment so that it wasn't just sitting on the seat while I went inside. I think I eventually just shoved them under the seat. I went inside and was looking around at all of the cheap trinkets and then spoke to the guy who worked there about something that was going on around the town or something. Then I went back outside to the car and Liz was there, and she was really angry at me for having the car. We started throwing stuff at each other (strangely, I don't remember any yelling) and then we were wrestling. She had me pinned to the ground (as if that would ever happen) and she kept asking me where something was, some sort of wooden decoration thing. It had been in the back seat of the car, but I told her that I had thrown it at her, and so it was lying on the ground around us somewhere. Then I woke up.

I must have fallen back asleep, but I seem to remember walking back to bed from the bathroom and all the lights were on. There was a big vent in my wall that had light shining through it, and I looked and it and thought that I could fit through it, because I did that sort of thing on such a regular basis. Whatever that means. Then, in my dream, I went back to bed.

Then I had the most strange and elaborate dream of the night. I was working at a huge Canadian lodge, as an entertainer and waitress or something. The parts of the lodge I was in the most was upstairs, where there were rooms along the walls, and there was a huge open balcony thing in the middle that looked down onto some sort of ballroom. In the back there were the stairs, and in the front was a huge window that looked down to the lake that the lodge was next to. There was this guy working there, with whom I had had some sort of argument, and I was trying to confront him about it, but he would never acknowledge me. The first time I saw him in the dream, he was driving a sleigh through the hallways with some girl, and I stopped him and told him how cruel it was to force the horses to drag the sleigh across the carpet. I made him and the girl get out, unhitched the horses, and took them away. There was a party going on downstairs and I think the horses were rather smaller than in real life. Then I sent the guy some sort of message to come meet me at a certain time so that we could work this thing out. I went out to the lake (the lodge was just on a beach of dirt going down to the water) and into this weird clear plastic pill capsule thing that was sitting above the lake. It had no visible means of support, but it was a couple of inches above the water and just off shore. It was clear except for the very top, where it was black, and I got in and sat down and I think I sang some sort of song of anger and frustration. I remember thinking that I should look down to see what it was like, but I ended the frustrated song on my hands and knees, looking down into the murky waters of the lake. It wasn't as interesting as I thought it would be. So I got up, and zipped up the capsule like a tent, singing a little soft reprise as I did so. I went back up to the lodge and there was the guy walking toward me, and he had the girl with him. There was also some sort of Mountie or park ranger standing in the background at the corner. I had just enough time to say "what is she doing here?" when I woke up.


Liz said...

Ha ha - I'm sorry we had a fight! It's true that I would never pin you. Mostly because I suck at wrestling. I love you.

I also like that you're such an activist. In dreams and life alike.

Liz said...

Oh and I like the vent part, too!

"Hi, Kimri. I can see your softballs!"